Sunday 15 October 2017

Term 4

Welcome Back!  I am looking forward to seeing you all again tomorrow. Bring your smiles.



8.45 am Rosary. Seniors to lead.


11.00 am Pasifika Practice
2.05 pm Assembly. Room 13.

Working Bee
Saturday, 28th October we are having a Working Bee at school. The day starts at 8.00am and children are invited to come too. Morning tea and a BBQ lunch will be provided for our hard working volunteers. Many hands make light work.

Summer uniform
Summer uniforms are to be worn from Monday and this include correct sandals. As we are a sun smart school, a school hat must be worn at break times. There are no spares at school so you will need to bring your own. It's always a good idea to leave the hat in your bag - it avoids tears at lunchtime when kids are told to sit under a tree rather than play with their friends.

Year 2 Learning
This term the Year 2 team have some exciting things planned. We are going to be learning about symbols and how a symbol can be used to give messages. We'll look at road signs, Sign language, Christmas symbols... Much of our literacy and numeracy plans are based around ensuring that the incredible progress made this year is cemented for the long Christmas break. We will review different strategies, focus on good practices and check our learning goals.

Year 2 End of Year Picnic
We have decided to hold our picnic a little earlier this year - around week 5. We will need parent transport and help. So, we will release more information as soon as we have had our plans approved and completed the mountain of risk management paper work.

October is the month of the Rosary. Each Wednesday morning we will begin the school day with a decade of the rosary. You are most welcome to join us. The junior school will be leading the Rosary in week 3. Children might like to bring their own Rosary beads - but only if they have them.

We will be swimming in even weeks. Please bring togs, towel and a waterproof bag. The pool is heated to a gorgeous 30 degrees so we can swim everyday. Swimming is a large part of our PE programme and is not an option. I'm pretty good at teaching kids to swim - but I can't so it on dry land. Bring your togs!

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